Empowering at-risk communities for enhanced well-being

Smart Movement Technology for Social Fitness, Connection, and Wellness.

Empowering at-risk communities for enhanced well-being

Smart Movement Technology for Social Fitness, Connection, and Wellness.

Smart Movement Means Choice and Health Equity

Positive outcomes happen when we have tools to understand risks to our health and well-being. Our pandemic-inspired mission resulted in impactful solutions for communities facing health disparities. By helping people manage their wellness and social fitness, we identify daily movement choice options, in normal times and during pandemics, to stay socially connected and active. Movement choice options are based on each person’s unique health risk profile.

Why now?

The pandemic response fell short in safeguarding at-risk communities, exacerbating health disparities. Global loneliness rates surged during the pandemic, compounding an existing decades old upward trend. As the pandemic is declared over, loneliness rates continue to worsen, as people substitute human connection with smart devices and social networks.

At-risk communities are disproportionately harmed. Regional outbreaks and virus cycles necessitate ongoing monitoring for informed decision-making for health disparity communities. According to a Gallup poll conducted in February 2023, nearly half of the US population indicates some level of self-isolation, with a quarter of those surveyed still avoiding large crowds.

In light of these pressing concerns, the need for action is urgent. Resilienci recognizes the need to address these issues now. By empowering people to safeguard their health and social fitness using data science. Our innovative Roamwell app and software solutions pave the way toward a healthier, more connected future.

close up of hands holding phone

Smart Tech. Smarter Movement.

Smart Tech. Smarter Movement.

Our solutions include:

Hyperlocal Focus​

Make Smart Movement Decisions
Our products feature resiliency indexes for counties and cities, empowering users to navigate their surroundings wisely. In normal and uncertain times, it’s a powerful movement solution for everyone’s wellness toolbox.

Proprietary Data Science + Technology​

Our algorithms, enhanced by AI/ML, utilize leading indicators to provide accessible and real-time recommendations. Individuals and businesses are now able to stay informed with easy-to-use, data-driven insights.

Trusted Data​

Accurate and Up-to-Date
We source data from reliable authorities, including governments, academia, and public health agencies. Users have access to the most current and precise information available. As data reporting changes based on government guidelines, our technology pivots to reflect how insights are delivered.

Devotion to Privacy​

We guarantee your privacy with our privacy patents. All data is anonymized, and we never share or sell user information. Trust and confidentiality are essential to maintaining your trust. Unlike contact tracing, which tracks people, we track pathogens.

Knowledge is Power.

When you’re smarter about location risk, you can make smarter movement decisions.

Resilienci gives you the insights you need. Both about your personal movement (where you live and places you travel) and business continuity. For every address or place of interest on the planet.

Now, that’s cool.

Human Mobility and Wellbeing
With smart data, people can make smart movement decisions for themselves and their families. During daily life, travel, and for special events. And the software gets smarter the more it is used. Creating piece of mind and mental wellbeing.

Business Continuity
Imagine: Understand your business resiliency in real-time across all asset classes – human capital, business facilities, supply chain infrastructure, corporate events and executive travel.

With our Resiliency Index, you expand the power of your business resiliency plan with actionable insights.

Hyperlocal Data
Pinpoints Vulnerability

Knowing risks in your region is good. Knowing risks for each of your facilities and supply chain assets is better.

At Resilienci, we understand that for data to be useful and actionable, it needs to be hyperlocal and daily.

Not by country, state or county. But down to a specific building address, in real-time, reflecting the ever-changing dynamics of an uncertain world.

The data exist to illuminate hyperlocal resiliency exposure.

That’s where we shine:
Our proprietary algorithms refine the vast amounts of data available, producing resiliency exposure you can use to move mindfully and manage your business and it’s workforce.

The data exist to illuminate hyperlocal exposure risk.

That’s where we shine: Our proprietary algorithms refine the vast amounts of data available, producing exposure risk assessments you can use to move mindfully and manage your business.

Follow Our Progress.

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